John Hutchinson

John Hutchinson
Emeritus Professor

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RESEARCH (Tab above for more details)

Publications, grants, patent, links


TEACHING MATERIALS, NOTES etc. (Tab above for more details)

High School Years 11-12: Online RSA mini-mooc, Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics, Why Study Mathematics?, 1962 High School Exams and Solutions, Quantum Theory, Computation and Cracking RSA
First Year University: Foundations of Calculus
Second Year University: Introduction to Analysis, Problems, Solutions
≥ Third Year University: Analysis 2, Measure TheoryElliptic Systems, Finite Elements 



A series of talks on the foundations of quantum mechanics, leading to quantum computation.
Meetings  Seminar room 1.33, Hanna Neumann Building 145, ANU.  3-5pm some Fridays.
To date: 22/3/19, 5/4/19, 31/5/19 --- corresponding approximately to Chapters 1,2,3 of following Notes.
Most Recent Version of Notes: 3/6/19 
Notes are "regularly" updated, at this stage they are draft and incomplete!




Research interests

Click here for

  • Publications
    • Fractals and Stochastics
    • Geometric Measure Theory, Analytic Methods for Geometric Problems
    • Numerical Analysis for Geometric Problems
    • Multivariable Variational Problems, Regularity and Singularities of Solutions
    • Mathematical Logic, Model Theory & Set Theory
  • Grants
  • Patent
  • Links to Articles

Teaching information

High School Years 11/12

Online RSA mini-mooc  EdX style course, number theory and the mathematics of RSA cryptography, starts from Year 10 mathematics.  (When you first click the link you will be prompted to sign up for an  account.  This is necessary even if you already have an account. The platform is essentially the same in both cases).

Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics  This is the main text for a course for selected Year 11 and 12 college/high school students, which has been running since 2006.  Topics: An introduction to number theory and RSA cryptography; real number system, a hierarchy of infinities; fractals, chaotic behaviour; geometry and topology.

Why Study Mathematics?  Slides for a 2015 talk to Canberra Grammar students in Years 8 to 12.

1962 High School Exams and Solutions  1962 upper level mathematics exams, when there was one less year of high school.  Questions, solutions, comments and general information.


First Year University

Foundations of Calculus  The theoretical underpinnings of calculus -- for the upper level first year mathematics stream.


Second Year University

Introduction to Analysis, Problems, Solutions  For the upper level second year mathematics stream. 


Third Year University & Higher

Analysis 2,  For the upper level third year mathematics stream. 

Measure Theory  A series of 5 lectures presenting an overview of measure theory, emphasising motivation and ideas, with minimal required background.

Elliptic Systems  A series of 5 lectures presenting an overview of elliptic systems of partial differential equations, their singularities and their partial regularity. Ideas and techniques for simple model problems, with minimal background required.

Finite Elements From a couple of seminars when I was putting together my thoughts on finite elements.



Room 4.59, Hanna Neumann Building 145

Social media