AMSI SS Careers day

AMSI Summer School Careers day

Attend the AMSI Careers Day and explore the diverse career pathways available to mathematical sciences graduates. Mathematics, statistics and data science are critical to so many careers across all industry sectors! Talk to potential employers, get your employment questions answered and be inspired by the endless opportunities.

schedule Date & time
17 Jan 2024 11:00am - 17 Jan 2024 2:30pm
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(Presented as part of AMSI Summer School 2024)

Discover the career paths can you take with a maths, stats or data science degree

Attend the AMSI Careers Day and explore the diverse career pathways available to mathematical sciences graduates. Mathematics, statistics and data science are critical to so many careers across all industry sectors! Talk to potential employers, get your employment questions answered and be inspired by the endless opportunities.

Date: Wednesday 17 January
Time: 11am – 2.30pm AEDT
Where: The Australian National University, Venue TBA
Light refreshments will be provided


Research School of Physics

Building 160, Mills Road

Australian National University

Acton, ACT 2601

-35.284053311237, 149.1131406

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