A group of students sitting at a table


Mathematical formulas on a blackboard

Research activity at MSI is structured into our research groups.

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ANU students

Explore diverse mathematical research projects at ANU's Mathematical Sciences Institute. Engage in areas like algebra, geometry, computational mathematics, and astrophysics, addressing complex real-world challenges. Contact your supervisor for further discussion and ideas.

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The facilities we make available to our researchers are state-of-the-art.

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Cracked Earth showing lava underneath it

Discover the contributions made to mathematics from our staff and students.

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Black twist pen on notebook

The Mathematical Sciences Institute regularly publishes symposia proceedings, surveys and monographs in the series Proceedings of the CMA. Volumes are available to download for free.

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Digital binary encrypted code matrix

The world’s only Mathematical Foundations of Data Science research centre.

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famsi crns irl

International Research Lab France-Australia Mathematical Sciences and Interactions

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