MSI 'Kick-start' Postdoctoral Fellowship
The MSI 'Kick-start' Postdoctoral Fellowship is a short-term employment opportunity for high achieving early career mathematicians.
The MSI “Kick-start” Postdoctoral Fellowship is a short-term employment opportunity for high achieving early career mathematicians. The employment will be available to MSI PhD Students who have submitted their PhD and are pursuing an academic career.
The employment period is intended to bridge the period between when the higher degree student’s thesis is under examination and while they are applying for international postdoctoral employment opportunities, or waiting for next employment to start.
The MSI will fund a 50% FTE fixed term contract, up to 6 months, at Academic Level A, step 2 or 3. The employment fraction maybe increased to full time if funded by the student’s PhD supervisor from their sponsored research grants or special purpose funds.
The MSI “Kick-start” Postdoctoral Fellow will receive an increment to Academic Level A, step 4 when their doctoral qualification is awarded.
MSI “Kick-start” Postdoctoral Fellows are primarily research-intensive positions. However, as part of their professional development they may be required to contribute the School’s teaching and outreach portfolios. This may include co-teaching special topics courses, tutoring, developing online material and/or expand our outreach activities.
The appointee will report to the Associate Director – Research and will be allocated a mentor, an early career academic (not their PhD supervisor) to shadow them through the short-term contract period.
This scheme will complement The Australian Mathematical Society’s “Lift-Off Fellowship”, which is a grant rather than an employment opportunity. MSI “Kick-start” Postdoctoral Fellows will be encouraged to apply for the AustMS Lift-Off scheme as well to ensure they continue to be able to fund travel, attend conferences and visit collaborators.
Applications for the scheme are to lodged to the MSI Director, Professor Lilia Ferrario for consideration and approval by the MSI Executive Committee.
+61 2 6125 0346
Room 2.76 Hanna Neumann Building 145