Secondary schools program
We are committed to working with secondary schools within Canberra and around the country to get students excited about mathematics and equip them with the tools required to study at university.
Below are details of some of the regular activities that we run.
If you have any questions regarding our outreach activities and programs, please contact admin.research.msi@anu.edu.au
Mathematics Outreach Activities
ANU Maths Day
Young maths enthusiasts from across the region find out how their numbers measure up when they battle it out in a test of mind and muscles at ANU Maths Day.
Learn moreAustralian Women of Mathematics Exhibition
Looking to inspire your students with stories from amazing female mathematicians from Australia and New Zealand?
Learn moreNational Indigenous Summer School
The National Indigenous Summer School brings together Year 10 and 11 indigenous students, from across Australia, providing an opportunity to experience university life as they participate in hands-on activities cross the Science and Engineering disciplines.
Learn moreNational Mathematics Summer School
The National Mathematics Summer School (NMSS) is a program for the discovery and development of mathematically gifted and talented high school students from all over Australia.
Learn moreANU Secondary College Mathematics Programs
Canberra Mathematics Enrichment Program
The Canberra Mathematics Enrichment program consists of enrichment sessions for Year 8 to Year 12 students.
Learn moreMathematics Extension Program
Designed for year 11 and 12 students who wish to take advanced courses in mathematics, ANU Extension students will receive credit towards a bachelor degree for the studies successfully completed through this program.
Learn moreNational Youth Science Forum
National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a 10-day residential program held in January, for students entering Year 12. Each year the Australian National University hosts students from around Australia as part of the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF).
Learn moreANU College of Science activities
The ANU College of Systems and Society offers a number of outreach activities designed for high school students. Find out what activities are available in the field of mathematics: