Aerial view of ANU campus and the Black Mountain Tower

Summer research program

Summer Research scholar Matthew Calvin

Matthew Calvin, of the University of Auckland, talks about his experience as a Summer Research scholar at ANU.

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Summer Research scholar Yusheng Luo

Yusheng Luo, of the National University of Singapore, talks about his experience as a Summer Research scholar at ANU.

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The Summer Research Scholarship program at the Mathematical Sciences Institute gives undergraduate students the opportunity to gain insight into studying honours or a postgraduate research degree (PhD or MPhil). The program runs for nine weeks, from 18th November through to 17th January (breaking during Christmas/New Year period). The Mathematical Sciences Institute offers Summer Research Scholarships and Summer Research Internships. ANU students are eligible to apply for a Summer Internship (SRI). External (i.e. non-ANU) students from Australia and New Zealand are eligible to apply for a Summer Research Scholarship (SRS).

Successful SRS candidates are awarded a weekly stipend of $150 plus on campus accommodation and meals. 

Successful SRI candidates are awarded a weekly stipend of $400 to cover for the off campus rental and other associate costs.

MSI Summer Research Scholars and Summer Interns will be invited to participate in a variety of shared social events, workshops and seminars during the summer period.

A limited number of Summer Research Scholarships are available each year so we recommend you also submit an application for an AMSI Vacation Research Scholarship (VRS).


Undergraduate students in their third or final year of their degree or Honours students, and currently enrolled at an Australian or New Zealand university. If you're an outstanding second-year student intending to complete an honours degree, you may also be considered.

Equity-based adjustments may be made for Indigenous students or for other reasons aligned to the Education Access Scheme (Equity) Adjustment Schedule

How to apply

  1. Choose a research project and supervisor
  2. Upload expression of interest,  transcript , CV and other supporting documentations.
  3. EOI


Open 10 July 2024
Close 31 August 2024


Cecilia Zhang
Telephone:  +61 2 6125 0723

Summer research projects

Displaying 1 - 5 of 25 results.

Depending on student interest and background I can supervise a variety of topics related to algebraic topology.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Summer scholar students



Ancient solutions to geometric flows

Student intake

Open for Summer scholar students


Applications of geometric flows in geometry

Student intake

Open for Summer scholar students


The curve shortening flow is a simple and beautiful example of a geometric heat flow, the family of equations which includes the Ricci flow used by Perelman to prove the Poincare conjecture as well as many other interesting examples. 

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Summer scholar students



Curve shortening flows

Student intake

Open for Summer scholar students
