Arithmetic algebraic geometry seminar

What is the p-adic Riemann zeta function?

schedule Date & time
26 Mar 2021 3:00pm - 26 Mar 2021 5:00pm
person Speaker


Lance Gurney, ANU
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Title: What is the p-adic Riemann zeta function?

Most mathematicians have heard of the Riemann Zeta function, the subject of arguably the most famous (open) conjecture in number theory. Less well known is its arithmetic cousin - the p-adic Riemann Zeta function - which was also the subject of an important conjecture (now a theorem).

In this talk I would like to explain what the p-adic Riemann zeta function is (spoiler: it's not actually a function!) and how its existence expresses even more deep arithmetic properties of the (complex) Riemann zeta function.

The talk should be accessible to a broad mathematical audience.


Boardroom 2.48, Hanna Neumann building 145