Character varieties, E-polynomials and Representation zeta functions
This workshop is directed at undergraduates, PhD students and young researchers in Australia, New Zealand and around the world. Registration is required.
Registration closes Friday 11 February 2022 at 1pm AEDT. Please note the Zoom links and other required materials for this event will be sent to the email used to register. To register after this time, please email and you will be emailed within 1 business day with information.
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An instructional research workshop
This event has ended. However, if you would like access to the recordings, please contact Administration with the contact details on the Contacts page.
Recently there has been substantial interest in using ideas from p-adic and motivic integration to study the interplay between geometric and arithmetic aspects of moduli spaces such as character varieties, Higgs bundles and quiver varieties. The geometric invariants associated with these moduli spaces are governed by topological quantum field theories. Arithmetic methods can be used to study these invariants by relating them to the representation theory of finite groups of Lie type and point counting over finite fields. These techniques reveal an intimate relation to the theory of symmetric polynomials and have found applications in mirror symmetry and the Langlands program.
This instructional workshop is focused on the above circle of ideas and is directed primarily at postgraduate students and early career researchers in Australia and New Zealand. The aim is to bring together experts working in these research areas and create an opportunity for fruitful interactions.
The event will feature four mini-courses:
1. Arithmetic geometry and representation varieties (Masoud Kamgarpour, UQ)
2. Topological quantum field theory and character varieties (Pedram Hekmati, Auckland)
3. Representation zeta functions (Uri Onn, ANU)
4. Moduli space of Higgs bundles (David Baraglia, Adelaide)
Research talks
This workshop will also consist of 3 research talks.
Marina Logares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Michael Groechenig (University of Toronto)
Nir Avni (Northwestern University)
Michele Zordan (Imperial College)
Program Schedule, Titles, and Abstracts
The program schedule can be viewed here (PDF 286KB).
The titles and abstracts can be viewed here (PDF 49KB).
Please note registration is required to attend this conference. To register, please go to the registration tab and follow the instructions.
Speakers and Organising Committee
David Baraglia (University of Adelaide)
Pedram Hekmati (University of Auckland)
Masoud Kamgarpour (University of Queensland)
Uri Onn (Australian National University)
Code of conduct
The Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI) Special Year is committed to ensuring all workshops, conferences and seminars are accessible to a diverse range of participants. We aim to create a safe, respectful and supportive environment to allow free flow of information, discussions and ideas. All staff and students have the right to be treated with courtesy, fairness and professionalism. Discriminatory or harassing behaviour will not be tolerated.
An essential part of maintaining a safe and respectful work environment is to ensure that individuals report any witnessed or experienced discrimination or harassment to the organisers, or to a member of the MSI staff. If you would like to contact the department anonymously, please email
We ask all participants to review the ANU Code of Conduct and maintain the principles of the document for the duration of the workshop.
This event will be held online (Zoom). Details will be sent to the email used for registration.