Counterexamples for high-degree analogues of the Schrödinger maximal operator

The partial differential equations and analysis seminar is the research seminar associated with the applied and nonlinear analysis, and the analysis and geometry programs.

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26 Apr 2022 10:30am - 26 Apr 2022 11:30am
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Lillian Pierce (Duke University)
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Abstract: In 1980 Carleson posed a question on the minimal regularity of an initial data function in a Sobolev space that implies pointwise convergence for the solution of the linear Schrödinger equation. After progress by many authors, this was recently resolved (up to the endpoint) by Bourgain, whose counterexample construction for the Schrödinger maximal operator proved a necessary condition on the regularity, and Du and Zhang, who proved a sufficient condition. In this talk we describe how Bourgain’s counterexamples can be constructed from first principles. Then we describe a new flexible number-theoretic method for constructing counterexamples, which proves a necessary condition for high-degree analogues of the Schrödinger maximal operator to be bounded from $H^s$ to local $L^1$.

The Zoom link for this talk is available here. If you are not currently affiliated with the ANU, please contact Po-Lam Yung for access.

