multi colour geometric pattern

Delta geometry and the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius

In this talk, using the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius, the speakers will show that whenever G is a semi-abelian scheme, H(G) is weakly admissible.

schedule Date & time
12 Dec 2023 3:00pm - 12 Dec 2023 4:00pm
person Speaker


Arnab Saha - Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
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Abstract: By a previous construction by J. Borger and the speaker, one attaches a canonical filtered isocrystal H(G) associated to the arithmetic jet spaces of a smooth commutative group scheme G. In this talk, using the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius, we will show that whenever G is a semi-abelian scheme,  H(G) is weakly admissible. We will also comment on the relation of H(A) with the first crystalline cohomology when A is an abelian scheme. This is a joint work with L. Gurney and S. Pandit. 



Hanna Neumann

Board Room 2.48