Good news and bad news for tree reconstruction

When is a graph uniquely determined by its vertex-deleted subgraphs?

schedule Date & time
28 Apr 2021 2:45pm - 28 Apr 2021 3:45pm
person Speaker


Jane Tan, Oxford University
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When is a graph uniquely determined by its vertex-deleted subgraphs? This is the central question in graph reconstruction, which features in Bondy’s list of beautiful conjectures in graph theory as well as Harary’s list of “graphical diseases” (while highly contagious, it is not typically dangerous!). I will give an introduction to some key results, tools, and variants of the classical reconstruction problem, and discuss recent progress toward and outlook for Nýdl’s conjecture on reconstructing trees from small cards.


In-person attendance is available for up to 72 people.

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Seminar Room 1.33, Building 145, Science Road, ANU

Virtual attendance available - via Zoom