An introduction to decoupling inequalities

This is an informal reading seminar where we cover various topics in geometric analysis. Talks should be accessible to honours and postgraduate students who have studied Differential Geometry and some Riemannian Geometry.

schedule Date & time
18 Jul 2023 1:00pm - 18 Jul 2023 2:30pm
20 Jul 2023 1:00pm - 20 Jul 2023 2:30pm
27 Jul 2023 1:00pm - 27 Jul 2023 2:30pm
person Speaker


Zane Kun Li (UW Madison)
next_week Event series
contact_support Contact
Po Lam Yung
Associate Professor/ ARC Future Fellow

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In the past decade, decoupling inequalities have played a major role in breakthroughs in number theory, geometric measure theory, and PDE. In this series of talks, we will discuss the most basic case of decoupling for the parabola. Along the way, we will introduce important tools such as the wavepacket decomposition, parabolic rescaling, broad/narrow decomposition, and how Kakeya estimates play a role in decoupling. We will also introduce the heuristics that commonly guide proofs in this area of harmonic analysis by working over the p-adics (where such heuristics are rigorous). No familiarity with the p-adics or number theory will be assumed. 



MSI Seminar room HN - 1.33

Hanna Neumann Building 145 Science Road

Acton ACT 2601

-35.275387198178, 149.11925554276