The Levitated Dipole Reactor: an introduction to a new concept for commercial fusion energy

OpenStar Technologies is a Wellington-based start-up developing the levitated dipole fusion reactor. This presentation will introduce the physics of LDRs, the engineering problems they face, and why a fusion company has started in New Zealand, of all places.

schedule Date & time
3 Aug 2023 9:30am - 3 Aug 2023 11:00am
person Speaker


Thomas Berry - OPenStr Technologies
Lead - Plasma Systems
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Fusion energy is often touted as the ultimate energy source due to its near-unlimited fuel supply and lack of long-term radioactive waste. However, controlled fusion that produces more energy than is put into the reaction is notoriously hard to achieve due to the complications involved with trying to confine high-temperature and high-density plasmas. Inspired by the dipole plasma observed around Jupiter, a joint MIT-Columbia experiment was born in the early 2000’s to test a concept known as the levitated dipole reactor (LDR). The LDR boasts a wide range of plasma performance improvements over the conventional approaches to fusion and could well be a commercially relevant fusion concept that is achievable with current technology.



Seminar Room 1.33, Building 145, Science Road, ANU