Matlab Grader

Discussion on Matlab Grader

schedule Date & time
7 Nov 2023 12:30pm - 7 Nov 2023 1:30pm
person Speaker


Linda Stals
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Curious about using new technology, but don't know where to start? "Tech Tuesday" is opportunity for MSI staff and students to learn from each other in bite-sized presentations about tech you should now during your lunch break.

In this session, Linda Stals will show us around Matlab Grader, which replaces WebAssign as the online problem set portal for our first-year courses. Linda will explain its powerful features and potential further uses. Furthermore, during previous discussions within the MSI, we concluded that all students should be taught basic computer literacy skills. (It is an imperative requirement for most jobs.) We aimed to achieve this goal by building student's exposure to MATLAB as they move through their whole degree, and Linda's presentation will touch on these points.




HN 1.33 (Seminar Room).

-35.2510187, 149.1534651