May12: celebrating Women in Mathematics
May12: celebrating Women in Mathematics
Event series
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May12 is an International initiative to celebrate women in Mathematics. It is held (since 2018) on the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to win the Fields Medal.
At ANU in 2024, will be celebrating with a one day event on Monday 13 May, bringing together our mathematical community, and all the groups working towards gender equality in STEM:
The Mathematical Sciences Institute, the ANU Mathematics Society, Fifty50, the ANU Women* In STEM Leadership Conference, the ANU Women in Physics, Astro and Engineering, the Rladies, the ANU-ASD Co-Lab , the College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics Diversity, Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity team, and the College of Systems and Society Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access team.
The event is designed to allow people to meet and chat informally, view the Australian Women of Mathematics exhibition and read the associated book, read messages from MSI alumni, and talk to all the groups involved (stalls will be set up to meet the community).
The event also features five 20 minute talks, accessible to people with knowledge of first year mathematics.
As always, we make sure that the work required to celebrate and support women in Mathematics is carried by people of all genders.
If you require accessibility accommodations or a visitor Personal Emergency Evacuation plan please contact the event organiser.
Registration will be much appreciated for catering purposes, but definitely feel free to drop in at any time during the day, and stay for as long or as little as you want!
If you require accessibility accommodations or a visitor Personal Emergency Evacuation plan please contact the event organiser.
10 - 10:30am
Triangulations and friends
- Speaker: Asilata Bapat
Time to chat and view the Australian Women of Mathematics exhibition
The work of Maryam Mirzakhani (presented by Anand Deopurkar)
The work of Ingrid Daubechies (presented by James Nichols)
The work of Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat (presented by Pierre Portal).
Prerequisites: some vague idea of what partial differential equations and matrices are.
The talk is an elementary introduction to Einstein equations of general relativity, leading to a hint at how Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat managed to reformulate them as a wave equation (showing well-posedness to mathematicians and the existence of gravitational waves to physicists).
The work of Hong Wang (presented by Po Lam Yung)
3 years out of her PhD, Hong Wang was awarded the prestigious Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize in 2022, for her advances on the restriction conjecture, the local smoothing conjecture and related problems. We will explain in elementary terms what these problems are, through which we will appreciate her deep insights how several areas of mathematics can be connected together.14-14:30
Time to chat and view the Australian Women of Mathematics exhibition
Meet the community
Stalls and icebreaker activities
Seminar Room 1.33 and 1.37
Hanna Neumann Building 145
Science Road
Canberra ACT 0200