Microlocal methods in scattering for nonlinear evolution equations

The PDE & Analysis seminar covers topics in PDE and analysis.

schedule Date & time
5 Dec 2023 1:30pm - 5 Dec 2023 2:30pm
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Jesse Gell-Redman (University of Melbourne)
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I will discuss a new methodology for proving small data scattering for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which avoids the use of Strichartz estimates, and uses instead methods from microlocal analysis.  This methodology is flexible and can in principle be applied to massive wave propagation as in the Klein-Gordon or massive Dirac equations.  This is joint work with Andrew Hassell and Sean Gomes and with Dean Baskin and Moritz Doll.




145 Hanna Neumann Building, room 1.58

-35.275905261234, 149.1191726