Monopoles, moduli spaces and compactification
The seminar by Richard melrose (MIT)
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Abstract: The moduli space of magnetic monopoles of charge $k$ on $\bbR^3,$ for the gauge group $\SU(2),$ is a smooth, non-compact, hyperkaehler manifold of dimension $4k.$ To approach the Hodge theory (Sen conjecture) and other analytic properties of this space the asymptotic behaviour of the metric is described in terms of a compactification, introducing idealized monopole data. I will discuss how this in turn is closely related to asymptotic translations and quantization of configuration spaces. Based in part on joint work with Chris Kottke and Michael Singer.
Seminar Room 1.33
Mathematical Sciences Institute
ANU College of Science
Hanna Neumann Building #145, Science Road
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2600