An overview of decoupling theory

MSI Colloquium, where the school comes together for afternoon tea before one speaker gives an accessible talk on their subject

schedule Date & time
27 Jul 2023 4:00pm - 27 Jul 2023 5:00pm
person Speaker


Zane Kun Li (University of Wisconsin)
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Brett Parker, Ian Le

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Decoupling inequalities were first introduced by Thomas Wolff in 2000 to make progress on the local smoothing conjecture for the wave equation. Since the proof of sharp decoupling for the paraboloid by Bourgain and Demeter in 2014, decoupling inequalities have had significant impact the areas of harmonic analysis, PDE, and number theory. In this talk we will emphasize more on the connections and applications in number theory.


Afternoon tea will be provided at 3:30pm



Seminar Room 1.33, Building 145, Science Road, ANU