Projection theorems and Fourier analysis

MSI Colloquium, where the school comes together for afternoon tea before one speaker gives an accessible talk on their subject

schedule Date & time
15 Aug 2022 2:00pm - 15 Aug 2022 3:00pm
person Speaker


Hong Wang, UCLA
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Given a fractal set E on the plane and a set F of directions, can we find one direction L in F such that the orthogonal projection of E along L is large?  We will survey some classical and modern projection theorems and discuss their relation to problems in Fourier analysis.  We will also discuss some joint work with Shmerkin, and joint work with Gan, Guth, Guo, Harris, and Maldague. 


Hong Wang is currently an Assistant Professor at UCLA. She obtained her PhD in 2019 from MIT under the supervision of Larry Guth. Her work improved our understanding of incidence geometry and geometric measure theory, which in turn have deep implications in harmonic analysis and partial differential equations. She had done ground-breaking work with her collaborators which settled the local smoothing conjecture for wave equations in 2+1 dimensions, set the best current record for the Fourier restriction conjecture in 3 dimensions, and proved several best current results towards the Falconer distance conjecture. She was awarded the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize in 2022 for her stellar achievements.


Seminar Room 1.33, Building 145, Science Road, ANU