Quadratically pinched sub-manifolds of the sphere

This seminar will present an algorithm for decomposing immersions satisfying a weaker inequality into a finite number of handles using a surgically modified (high codimension) mean curvature flow.

schedule Date & time
11 May 2021 1:30pm - 11 May 2021 2:30pm
person Speaker


Mathew Langford, University of Newcastle
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A famous theorem of Simons' states that any minimal hypersurface of the round sphere whose squared second fundamental form is bounded by its dimension, is necessarily a hyperequator. Simons’ methods have been generalized in various directions, in particular to higher codimension minimal immersions. Such results can be improved upon using geometric flows — Baker and Nguyen showed that submanifolds of the sphere satisfying a suitable curvature inequality contract to round points under (high codimension) mean curvature flow.

This seminar will present an algorithm for decomposing immersions satisfying a weaker inequality into a finite number of handles using a surgically modified (high codimension) mean curvature flow.

This is joint work with Lynch and Nguyen.



Seminar Room 1.33, Hanna Neumann Building 145

-35.275387198178, 149.11926090717