A tale of two tails

The partial differential equations and analysis seminar is the research seminar associated with the applied and nonlinear analysis, and the analysis and geometry programs.

schedule Date & time
19 Apr 2022 1:30pm - 19 Apr 2022 2:30pm
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Sung-Jin Oh (University of California, Berkeley)
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Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a general method for understanding the late-time tail for solutions to wave equations on asymptotically flat spacetimes with odd spatial dimensions. A particular consequence of the method is a re-proof of Price’s law-type results, which concern the sharp decay rate of the late-time tails on stationary spacetimes. Moreover, the method also applies to dynamical spacetimes. In this case, I will explain how the late-time tails are in general different(!) from the stationary case in the presence of dynamical and/or nonlinear perturbations of the problem. This is joint work with Jonathan Luk (Stanford).

The Zoom link for this talk is available here. If you are not currently affiliated with the ANU, please contact Po-Lam Yung for access.

