Women in Mathematics
MSI will be celebrating Women in Mathematics Day on May 12th.
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MSI will be celebrating Women in Mathematics Day on May 12th.
We will have four short and accessible talks on important contribution of female mathematicians.
The talks will be held from 12pm - 1pm with lunch to follow.
"Karen Uhlenbeck: Instantons, Bubbling and Solitons," Ben Andrews
"The First Epoch of Emmy Noether," Thalia Greinke
"Lisa Piccirillo : the Conway knot is not slice," Hoel Queffelec
"Joan Birman: Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups," Joan Licata
Stay afterwards to peruse the Australian Women of Mathematics exhibition, enjoy a light lunch (provided), and mingle with friends.
*This is a free event but registration is required.
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Meeting ID: 891 7628 9504
Password: 091149
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Meeting ID: 891 7628 9504
Password: 091149
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Dial: +61262227588 (AUCX)
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Meeting ID: 89176289504
H323/SIP Password: 091149
Seminar Room 1.33
Hanna Neumann Building 145 Science Road
Acton ACT 2601