Michael Barnsley receives 2016 Award for Teaching Excellence

Publication date
Wednesday, 14 Dec 2016

The MSI wishes to congratulate Professor Michael Barnsley who received the 2016 Colleges of Science Award for Teaching Excellence at this year’s Science Christmas Party.

Michael was recognised for being an innovative educator who has influenced generations of students to embrace mathematics. His approach to teaching recognizes the different abilities of students and encourages them all to consider the open questions in fractal geometry and chaotic dynamics. His approach is research-led and uses current research ideas to illustrate the relationship between the mathematics being taught and innovative development and translational possibilities.

Every year the Colleges of Science allocate these Teaching and Learning Awards to celebrate the excellence of individuals and teams and promote learning and teaching across the University. These awards are an important part of recognising the contributions of a wide range of staff to the student learning experience in the Colleges of Science.  

Visit the Colleges of Science website to find out about the other 2016 Teaching and Learning Award recipients.