MSI 2019 ARC grants results

The MSI wishes to congratulate the recipients of the latest ARC grant round, announced on Tuesday 27 Nov 2018.
Scheme: ARC Discovery Projects 2019 round 1
Recipient: Professor Alexander Isaev
Grant amount: $415,000.00
Project: Symmetries in CR-geometry
This project aims at investigating symmetries of geometric objects called CR-manifolds. It is expected to open new avenues for understanding such symmetries at the infinitesimal level and lead to ground-breaking results in CR-geometry. Expected outcomes include new methodology, solving long-standing problems, and establishing international research collaborations. The benefits are in enhancing the strength of the research in analysis and geometry performed in Australia, in fostering the international competitiveness of Australian research and in high-quality research training.
Scheme: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award 2019 round 1
Recipient: Dr Yong Wei
Grant amount: $336,174.00
Project: Geometric flow of hypersurfaces and related problems
This project aims to address many of the important problems in the area of geometric flow of hypersurfaces. Geometric flow is the central direction in the field of geometric analysis and has proven to be powerful in understanding geometry and topology of the underlying manifolds. The project expects to improve our understanding of the flows and enable their application to unravel new results in geometry and topology through the development of new mathematical techniques. The project is expected to impact on a range of related fields, including image processing and materials science.