New mathematical research partnership announced

The Australian National University has joined Monash University and The University of Melbourne in a new mathematical research partnership called MATRIX.
MATRIX was launched in 2016 based on a shared desire to build Australia’s strength and position in the mathematical sciences. The creation of MATRIX has provided a central venue where mathematical scientists can collaborate. The expanded partnership enables MATRIX to continue to grow and enhance its impact nationally and globally as a key component of the national mathematics research infrastructure in Australia.
MATRIX Director, Professor Jan de Gier said MATRIX’s growth, enabling it to support increased collaborations in the mathematical sciences has been very pleasing.
“MATRIX has been a strong contributor to the increasing global impact of Australian based research in the mathematical sciences through research programs that inspire excellence and stimulate collaboration. We are very pleased that the MATRIX vision for national benefit and transformation is reinforced by the new partnership,” Professor de Gier said.
MATRIX research programs take place in Creswick, Victoria, 90 minutes to the west of Melbourne. It is an inspiring environment for creative thinking similar to the natural settings of other world-famous institutes. MATRIX programs are designed to ensure that researchers have ample unstructured time to stimulate discussion and out-of-the-box thinking to develop new mathematics as well as address specific questions that mathematics can help resolve.
Professor Keith Nugent (Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Research & Innovation) at the Australian National University (ANU) said that joining MATRIX as a partner, is an important step forward for ANU, and supports the university’s mission of being a truly national university.
“MATRIX plays a significant role in providing an environment that enables advancement of mathematical sciences research in the Australian, Oceania and Asian regions, and more broadly. It is very clear that MATRIX is having an impact on the national and international stage.”
Since 2016, MATRIX has stimulated international collaborations through 66 weeks of residential research programs across the spectrum of the mathematical sciences, attracting over 1100 scientists from 40 countries. Bringing brilliant and creative minds together through residential research institutes is internationally recognised as the optimal way to deepen mathematical knowledge and stimulate innovative thinking.
Professor Jim McCluskey (Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Research) at The University of Melbourne said MATRIX has been on an exciting journey since it was established in 2016.
“I’m thrilled to see its global identity grow and its impact as a magnet for talent in the mathematical sciences. MATRIX is on the brink of establishing itself as the ‘big’ infrastructure for mathematical sciences research collaboration in Australia and the region.”
MATRIX has hosted research programs in a wide range of pure and applied research areas including infectious diseases; data analysis; geometry; special functions; representation theory; mathematics of risk; and high dimensional computing.
Monash University Provost and Senior Vice-President, Professor Marc Parlange said expansion of the MATRIX partnership represented a significant advance for research in the mathematical sciences.
“In just five years since its creation, MATRIX has emerged as a world class institute for the mathematical sciences, catalysing transformative ideas and innovation and deepening the impact of Australian research worldwide. The Australian National University’s entry into this unique partnership will enhance the strength of this collaboration even further,” Professor Parlange said.
“My warmest congratulations to everybody who has been involved in this singular and highly successful initiative.”
MATRIX also hosts an international online seminar series featuring high profile speakers and facilitates mathematical outreach programs for school teachers organised by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) which is an associate member of MATRIX.
The addition of the Australian National University to the MATRIX partnership is a big step forward for Australia’s residential research institute for the mathematical sciences. Professor Peter Bouwknegt from the Australian National University will join Professors David Wood (Monash University) and Jan de Gier (University of Melbourne) in the MATRIX Executive.