Po Lam Yung wins prestigious medal for outstanding contributions in nonlinear analysis

Publication date
Tuesday, 12 Oct 2021

ARC Future Fellow & Senior Lecturer Po Lam Yung has been awarded the Antonio Ambrosetti Medal in recognition of his work regarding fundamental properties of Sobolev spaces - most notably, for a new characterisation of Sobolev norms and for introducing new tools to prove and generalise inequalities of critical type à la Bourgain-Brezis.

His skills in harmonic analysis allow him to successfully attack a wide class of relevant topics, ranging from nonlinear evolution equations to problems of complex-analytic nature.

The Antonio Ambrosetti medal is awarded in memory of Antonio Ambrosetti, a towering figure in mathematical analysis who made groundbreaking contributions to critical point theory, variational and topological methods, bifurcation theory, with applications in Hamiltonian systems and geometry. He was one of the first three Professors at Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) since the foundation of the School of Mathematics in 1980, then appointed Professor at Scuola Normale Superiore in the years 1986 to 1998, and subsequently Professor again at SISSA from 1998 to 2012.

The medal recognises exceptionally promising young researchers who have made outstanding contributions to the field of nonlinear analysis.