Mathematical physics

Mathematical physics

The Mathematics Physics research program spans the ANU College of Science, with several members having joint appointments with the Department of Theoretical Physics in RSPE. The program is active in studying fundamental problems across a broad spectrum of Mathematical Physics.


The Mathematics Physics research program spans the ANU College of Science, with several members having joint appointments with the Department of Theoretical Physics in RSPE. The program is active in studying fundamental problems across a broad spectrum of Mathematical Physics, such as:

  • String Theory
  • Conformal Field Theory
  • Integrable Models in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
  • Condensed Matter Theory

using and developing techniques from:

  • Algebra (including Algebraic Topology and Algebraic Geometry)
  • Representation Theory
  • Differential Geometry


This project aims to give a basic introduction to String Theory, and the mathematical techniques required, by working through (part of) the undergraduate textbook "A First Course in String Theory" by Barton Zwiebach (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Student intake

Open for Bachelor students


Lindbladians and related master equations in quantum mechanics

Student intake

Open for students


operator theoretic aspects of quantum field theory
computational problems in vector-valued modular forms
tensor categories and functorial conformal field theories

Student intake

Open for Honours, Masters, PhD, Summer scholar students


Non-commutative geometry and its application to physics.

Student intake

Open for Honours, Masters, PhD students


The Origin of Life on Earth

Student intake

Open for Honours, Masters, PhD students




Dr Geoffrey B Campbell

Long Term Campus Visitor


No photo provided

Emeritus Professor


Rowena Ball


Peter Bouwknegt


No photo provided

Honorary Professor

Brett Parker

Senior Lecturer
MSI Colloquium Organiser

Postdoctoral Fellow

Senior Lecturer

Bryan Wang

Associate Professor
HDR Convenor



Rodney Baxter has been awarded the 2021 Henri Poincare Prize at the XX International Congress on Mathematical Physics in Geneva Aug 2-7.

Read the article