Explorations in Geometry and Mathematical Physics: From Symplectic Geometry to String Theory

Explorations in Geometry and Mathematical Physics: From Symplectic Geometry to String Theory

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This project is open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters and PhD students.
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I am open to supervising students at all levels, focusing on subjects that align with my current research interests or more generally on topics related to differential geometry, symplectic geometry, differential topology, mathematical physics, or tropical geometry. Here are some potential areas of study for more advanced students. I can also guide you in researching less advanced topics that lead towards projects such as these.

  • Investigate the symplectic geometry of cotangent bundles and their connection to Hamiltonian mechanics.
  • Examine the moduli spaces of holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, along with Gromov--Witten invariants.
  • Investigate the geometry of Calabi--Yau manifolds and their association with string theory.
  • Compute Gromov--Witten invariants of Calabi--Yau 3-folds utilizing tropical geometry.
  • Explore the limits of Calabi--Yau metrics and the Monge--Ampere equation.
  • Research the geometry of G2 manifolds and their application to M-theory.



Brett Parker

Senior Lecturer
MSI Colloquium Organiser