Effective Galois Descent for Motives: The K3 Case

Iwasawa theory is the study of the growth of arithmetic invariants in Galois extensions of global fields with Galois group a p-adic Lie group.

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26 Jul 2022 3:00pm - 26 Jul 2022 4:00pm
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Angus McAndrew, ANU
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Abstract: A theorem of Grothendieck tells us that if the Galois action on the Tate module of an abelian variety factors through a smaller field, then the abelian variety, up to isogeny and finite extension of the base, is itself defined over the smaller field. Inspired by this, we give a Galois descent datum for a motive H over a field by asking that the Galois action on an $\ell$-adic realisation factor through a smaller field. We conjecture that this descent datum is effective. That is, if a motive H satisfies the above criterion, then it must itself descend to the smaller field.

We prove this conjecture for K3 surfaces, under some hypotheses. The proof is based on Madapusi-Pera’s extension of the Kuga-Satake construction to arbitrary fields.


Seminar Room 1.33

Hanna Neumann Building 145

Science Road

Acton ACT 2601

-35.275387198178, 149.11925554276

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