How to count using equivariant cohomology

Iwasawa theory is the study of the growth of arithmetic invariants in Galois extensions of global fields with Galois group a p-adic Lie group.

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2 Aug 2022 3:00pm - 2 Aug 2022 4:00pm
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Anand Deopurkar, ANU
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Abstract: Given a system of algebraic equations, the most basic question we can ask is about the number of solutions.  This simple question leads to the rich world of enumerative algebraic geometry. 

I will explain how we can use algebraic stacks and equivariant cohomology to answer some basic enumerative questions that had stumped us for a while.


Seminar Room 1.33

Hanna Neumann Building 145

Science Road

Acton ACT 2601

-35.275387198178, 149.11925554276

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