Algebra and Topology

The Spin Brauer Category

The algebra-topology seminar covers topics in Algebra and Topology

schedule Date & time
16 Apr 2024 3:00pm - 16 Apr 2024 4:00pm
person Speaker


Peter McNamara (University of Melbourne)
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Abstract: The Brauer category is a tool that controls the representation theory of (special) orthogonal Lie groups and Lie algebras. A drawback is it doesn't see the spin representations. We introduce and study a spin version, the Spin Brauer category, which sees the entire representation theory of type B/D Lie algebras. This is joint work with Alistair Savage.


Seminar Room 1.33, Hanna Neumann Building 145
Science Road, Acton ACT 2601

-35.275389387895, 149.11926090717