Überhomology of simplicial complexes

The algebra-topology seminar covers topics in Algebra and Topology

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4 Oct 2022 3:00pm - 4 Oct 2022 4:00pm
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Daniele Celoria, University of Melbourne
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We introduce a filtration on the simplicial homology of a finite simplicial complex X using bi-colourings of its vertices. This yields two dual homology theories, closely related to discrete Morse matchings on X.  We show that, by placing these homologies in a poset, we obtain a triply graded homology theory which we call überhomology. This latter homology is not a homotopy invariant, but nonetheless encodes both combinatorial and topological information on X. Time permitting we'll talk about a recent collaboration with Caputi and Collari, relating a specialisation of the überhomology to connected dominating sets in graphs.


Seminar Room 1.33

Hanna Neumann Building 145

Science Road

Acton ACT 2601

-35.275387198178, 149.11925554276

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4 Jul 2024 | 11am - 12pm

The algebra-topology seminar covers topics in Algebra and Topology

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