Linda Stals


Linda Stals has a strong background in the implementation of scalable algorithms on high performance computers. In the quest to simulate successively larger and more realistic models, it has become evident that such goals can not be fully achieved without addressing the design of scalable algorithms; and to realise scalable algorithms attention must be paid to both mathematical and computing ideas. Linda has a unique set of skills that allow her to build on the interface between these two disciplines.

Linda has implemented a parallel multigrid method program based on adaptive finite elements. The code developed as part of this research has formed the basis of projects designed to study applications such as: plasma ion implantation, flow through heterogeneous material (in combination with the DOUG code), radiation transport equations and thin plate splines. She has also studied cache aware multigrid methods and is currently looking at resilient iterative solvers.

In 2014, Linda was awarded a College Commendation For Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, and nominated for a university citation; and was awarded the status as a Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy in 2015.

Previous and Current positions



Research interests

Efficient Solution of Large Scale Problem, Parallel Numerical Methods, Multigrid Methods, Finite Element Methods, Discrete Thin Plate Splines and Fault Tolerant Iterative Methods

Teaching information

Supervised students


Room 2.69, Hanna Neumann Building 145