Basic Theory of One-Parameter Semigroups

The following notes represent a course of lectures delivered at the Australian National University in the second semester of 1982 as part of the mathematics honours programme.

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Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Volume: 2


The following notes represent a course of lectures delivered at the Australian National University in the second semester of 1982 as part of the mathematics honours programme. Most of the material contained in the notes is standard although a few new refinements and variations are included. The course consisted of twenty six one-hour lectures and this sufficed to present about ninety five per cent of the content of the notes.

I am indebted to Mayda Shahinian of the University of New South Wales for typing a first draft of part of these notes and to Helen Daish of the Australian National University for typing the final draft.


1Basic Theory of One-Parameter Semigroups
Derek W. Robinson

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 1982

© Centre for Mathematical Analysis,
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Derek W Robinson

Basic Theory of One-Parameter Semigroups
Lecture series

ISBN 0 86784 202 4