Analysis & geometry

Analysis & geometry

The Analysis & Geometry research program explores the areas of differential geometry, several complex variables, non-commutative geometry, harmonic analysis, microlocal analysis, partial differential equations, operator theory, spectral theory, convex geometry and statistical learning theory, and banach algebras.

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The Mathematical Analysis research group in MSI researches fundamental questions about functions and continuous processes. We study partial differential equations, harmonic analysis, microlocal analysis, stochastic analysis, mathematical physics, abstract analysis, geometric analysis, differential geometry, symplectic geometry and noncommutative geometry.


Each faculty member runs their own independent research program, often involving postdocs, PhD students, masters students and honours students, and with numerous international collaborators.

  • Ben Andrews: geometric partial differential equations (including mean curvature flow and Ricci flow), geometric variational problems (including isoperimetric problems and eigenvalue inequalities), and geometric approaches to the analysis of differential equations.
  • Xu-Jia Wang: fully nonlinear elliptic equations of Monge-Ampere type and their applications in geometry and physics.
  • Shahar Mendelson: High-dimensional probability, theoretical data science and statistical learning theory.
  • Andrew Hassell: microlocal analysis applied to spectral theory, quantum chaos, nonlinear dispersive equations, and rough wave equations.
  • Pierre Portal: partial differential equations analysed using stochastic analysis to understand random dynamics at the microscopic level, and harmonic analysis to understand oscillatory patterns at the macroscopic level.
  • Po Lam Yung: harmonic analysis, particularly function spaces (such as Sobolev spaces), singular integrals, oscillatory integrals, and related problems in Fourier restriction theory.
  • Bryan Wang: geometric properties of moduli spaces in symplectic topology and gauge theories in low dimensions as well as invariants from these moduli spaces.
  • Galina Levitina: Noncommutative geometry, spectral theory, operator theory and mathematical physics.
  • Brett Parker: Symplectic geometry and Gromov-Witten and related invariants using exploded manifolds.
  • James Tener: Operator algebras, functional analysis, and representation theory to study the mathematical foundations of quantum field theory

Reasons to work with us

Work with world-leading mathematical analysts. The quality of our faculty is shown by numerous awards and honours, including three Laureate Fellowships, two Future Fellowships, three Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science, two ICM addresses, medals including the Morningside Medal, Ambrosetti Medal, and several Australian Mathematical Society Medals.

Many of our PhD graduates have gone on to stellar careers in academia, while others have had outstanding careers in industry and the private sector.


Analysis (harmonic, functional, and/or stochastic) of partial differential equations.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students




The problem of numerically computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian, with Dirichlet (zero) boundary conditions, on a plane domain, is computationally intensive and there is a lot of theory behind finding efficient algorithms.

Student intake

Open for Honours students




Suppose a domain with smooth boundary is given. It turns out that there is a discrete set of eigenfunctions which can be arranged in a sequence for which there is a nontrivial solution to the eigenfunction equation...

Student intake

Open for Honours students




This project would lay down some of mathematical ground for string theory.

Student intake

Open for Honours, Masters, PhD students




Study one of the classic non-Euclidean geometries, two-dimensional hyperbolic space, using a simple model. Suitable for first year MATH1116 students.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor students




operator theoretic aspects of quantum field theory
computational problems in vector-valued modular forms
tensor categories and functorial conformal field theories

Student intake

Open for Honours, Masters, PhD, Summer scholar students






Andrew Hassell

Professor and Laureate Fellow


John Hutchinson

Emeritus Professor


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Honorary Professor

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MSI fellow

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Senior Lecturer / DECRA

Brett Parker

Senior Lecturer / MSI Colloquium Organiser

Pierre Portal

Associate Professor

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Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Bryan Wang

Associate Professor / HDR Convenor

Retired Fellow

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Retired Fellow

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Retired Fellow



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