Stochastic analysis & risk modelling

Stochastic analysis & risk modelling

The Stochastic Analysis & Risk Modelling research program explores the areas of stochastic modelling of financial processes, statistical inference relating to those models, stochastic integration and numerical aspects of partial differential equations, and option pricing models.


The Stochastic Analysis & Risk Modelling research program explores the areas of: 

  • stochastic modelling of financial processes, including insurance risk processes, especially based on general models such as Levy processes, fractal activity and fractional Brownian motion
  • statistical inference relating to those models, including advanced econometric modelling with stochastic volatility models such as 'generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity' (GARCH) and 'continuous time GARCH' (COGARCH) models
  • stochastic integration and numerical aspects of partial differential equations
  • option pricing models.


Analysis (harmonic, functional, and/or stochastic) of partial differential equations.

Student intake

Open for Bachelor, Honours, Masters, PhD students




Pierre Portal

Associate Professor

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Associate Professor



Kevin Lu

Congratulations to Kevin Lu on being awarded the Chris Heyde Scholarship for 2015.

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