Japanese-Australian workshop on real & complex singularities

The third Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real & Complex Singularities (JARCS III) was held at the University of Sydney, Australia, during the period 15–18 September 2009.

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Publication type

Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Price: AUD $43.00
Volume: 43
Venue: The University of Sydney


The third Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real & Complex Singularities (JARCS III) was held at the University of Sydney, Australia, during the period 15–18 September 2009. There were 33 participants, mostly from Japan and Australia. The workshop covered a variety of topics in singularity theory and brought together experts, early career researchers, and doctoral students from Australia, France and Japan. This volume contains research papers in real and complex singularities, algebraic geometry and three introductory Lectures on Ominimal structures. It is our hope that this volume reflects the lively research atmosphere of this conference.

Each article in this volume has been peer refereed. We wish to express our appreciation to the authors who have contributed to this volume and the referees for their cooperation. The meeting was sponsored by the School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sydney, and the National Research Symposium Program of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications of the ANU whose support is gratefully acknowledged.


1Symmetry via Lie algebra cohomology
Michael Eastwood
2Simple elliptic hypersurface singularities: A new look at the equivalence problem
Alexander Isaev
3O-minimal structures
Ta Lê Loi
4Stratifications in o-minimal structures
Ta Lê Loi
5Three fundamental theorems of Singularity theory in o-minimal structures
Ta Lê Loi
6CR deformation of cyclic quotient surface singularities
Kimio Miyajima
7On mixed plane curves of polar degree 1
Mutsuo Oka
8Stable multigerms, simple multigerms and asymmetric Cantor sets
T Nishimura
9Systems of Uniformization Equations along Saito free divisors and related topics
Jiro Sekiguchi
10Triangulations of non-proper semialgebraic Thom maps
Masahiro Shiota
11Monodromies at infinity of polynomial maps and A-hypergeometric functions
Kiyoshi Takeuchi

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 2010

© Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by

Toshizumi Fukui (Saitama University), Adam Harris (University of New England), Alexander Isaev (Mathematical Sciences Institute, The Australian National University), Satoshi Koike (Hyogo University of Teacher Education) and Laurentiu Paunescu (The University of Sydney)

JARCS III - The Japanese-Australian Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities

ISBN 0 7315 5207 5