Mathematics Without Borders
Plenary Speakers:
Kay Owens (Charles Sturt University)
Cris Edmonds-Wathen (Charles Darwin University)
Elizabeth Marrkilyi Ellis (ANU and Ngaanyatjarra Lands)
Jared Field (University of Melbourne)
Khalid Khan (Charles Darwin University)
Martin Nakata (James Cook University)
C. K. Raju (Indian Institute of Education)
Sophie Raynor (James Cook University)
Marcy Robertson (University of Melbourne)
Jason J. Sharples (UNSW Canberra)
Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College)
All human societies have developed the sciences and arts of mathematics, but expressions of mathematical knowledge are diverse and culturally specific. This session aims to celebrate and elevate the richness and diversity of mathematical knowledge, practices, and histories beyond the borders of the Eurocentric-based mathematics that has colonised the minds and curriculums of the world. Together, the participants and contributions will help to build a stronger foundation for the future of mathematics as a humanistic endeavour, inclusive of all cultures and minorities in the service of human and environmental
well-being and adjuvant technologies.
Contributed abstracts are welcome that may relate to the following topics, questions and themes, which are intended to be suggestive rather than prescriptive. If you have an interesting mathematics story to tell that is situated outside the mainstream or beyond the border, we would like to hear it!
- Non-mainstream and non-Western mathematics
- What constitutes mathematical knowledge? Who gets to say?
- Indigenous and First Nations mathematical knowledges
- Truth-telling in mathematics history and current narratives. In what sense is ‘European’ mathematics European?
- Mathematics futures and re-envisioning. New questions being faced by the discipline, such as: proof by AI – is that mathematics?
- Mathematics education and community partnerships
- Decolonization of mathematics, equity
- Mathematics and language, neurological basis of mathematics in the brain
- Ethics and responsibility: should mathematicians take more responsibility for the societal outcomes of their work in the era of algorithms, big data, and AI?
- Mathematical stories. What is the story of your field? Why is it so? What are its cultural roots and context and relationships? What were the economic and social enablers? Who were the people? Where is the field going?