Miniconference on Geometry and Physics

This volume of the Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis contains reports of some of the major talks presented at a mini-conference on Geometry and Physics held in the Centre from February 20 to 23, 1989 to coincide with a visit to Australia of Sir Michael Atiyah.

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Publication date
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Publication type

Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Volume: 22
Venue: Canberra


During 1989 the Centre for Mathematical Analysis hosted a Special Program in Mathematical Physics. This volume of the Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis contains reports of some of the major talks presented at a mini-conference on Geometry and Physics held in the Centre from February 20 to 23, 1989 to coincide with a visit to Australia of Sir Michael Atiyah.

A major objective of the CMA's program in general and this conference in particular was to open a dialogue between pure mathematicians and theoretical physicists on topics of mutual interest. The Mini-Conference on Geometry and Physics drew over thirty mathematicians and physicists to the CMA and resulted in three days of exciting, if at times speculative, discussions. The Editors hope that this volume captures some of that excitement and serves as an introduction to some of the areas in which physics and geometry are currently interacting with mutual benefits.

We would like to thank the Director of the Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Professor Neil Trudinger, for the support of the Centre and indeed for the initial vision that the Centre should host a program in Mathematical Physics. The success of any conference in the CMA relies heavily on the dedication of the staff of the Centre: in particular, Marilyn Gray for as always dealing effortlessly with every organisational detail and Dorothy Nash for handling the production of these proceedin


1The geometry and physics of knots
M.F. Atiyah
2Jones polynomials and 3-manifolds
I.R. Aitchison
3Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the Index Theorem
P.D. Jarvis
4On the thermodynamics of curves and other curlicues
R.R. Moore and A.J. van der Poorten
5Results and conjectures in mathematical relativity
R. Bartnik
6L² Reidemeister Fransz torsion
A.L. Carey and V. Mathai

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 1989

© Centre for Mathematics and Its Applications
Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by

Michael N. Barber and Michael K. Murray

Miniconference on Geometry and Physics

ISBN 0 7315 0435 6