
MDSC: Mathematical Data Science Centre

The world’s only Mathematical Foundations of Data Science research centre.

Our strategic partners

The MDSC has formed two research partnerships - thanks to a cooperation between ANU and Google Research Australia, and between ANU and ETH Zurich.

I am grateful to Google and ETH Zurich for partnering with ANU on this new centre and initiative and I look forward to the exciting research, teaching and innovation it will deliver.

           - Professor Brian Schmidt, ANU Vice-Chancellor



I'm excited to see ANU's establishment of the Mathematical Data Science Centre and their investment in the development of a pipeline of talented researchers who can build Australia's expertise in foundational machine learning research. And I'm very happy that Google is able to contribute to a strong research community by supporting their new postdoctoral program.

          - Professor Peter Bartlett, Head of Google Research Australia


ETH zurich university logo


The MDSC will partner with ETH-Zurich's Institute for Mathematical Research (FIM), Professor Helmut Bölcskei's Mathematical Information Science group, and Professor Afonso Bandeira's Mathematics of Data Science group in the study of mathematical foundations of Data Science.

We are excited about the partnership between ANU’s newly established Mathematical Data Science Research Centre and ETH Zurich. This collaboration will further strengthen already existing ties and will allow short and long-term exchange visits, joint supervision of students and post-docs, and joint workshops and summer and winter schools in the vibrant area of mathematical data science and artificial intelligence.

            - Professor Helmut Bölcskei, ETH Zurich