BEWARE OF SCAMS: do not trust any solicitations to book your accommodation. We have not appointed external organisations or travel agents to ‘finalise a reservation’. Please contact directly the organisers if you have concerns about a message you received about bookings.
The venue is located within Darwin’s Waterfront Precinct, amongst many hotels, cafes, bars and restaurants in close proximity. Competitive rates have been secured with the following hotels for conference participants:
- Adina Apartment Hotel Darwin Waterfront (3 – 5 min walk)
- Hilton Hotel Darwin (15 min walk)
- Oaks Darwin Elan (15 min walk) – Code ANUDARWIN
- Travelodge Resort Darwin (20 min walk or a shuttle bus running twice a day)
- Hilton Double Tree (30 min walk)
- Hilton Garden Inn Hotel (30 min walk)
Alternative 3 to 3.5-star accommodation options:
- The Cavenagh Hotel (4 min walk)
- MOM Hostel - Darwin YHA (6 min walk)
- Capitanos (7 min walk)
Further options available at Top End Northern Territory.
There is a free shuttle bus that services the waterfront precinct at lunch time and dinner time.
Please note that rooms and rates are subject to availability at the time of booking.
June is the high season within the Northern Territory, we recommend you book your flights, accommodation, and tours as early as possible to take advantage of the competitive rates.