AMSI-ANU workshop on spectral theory & harmonic analysis

This volume contains the proceedings of the AMSI–ANU Workshop on Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis, organised by Daniel Daners, Xuan Duong, Andrew Hassell, Alan McIntosh and Robert Taggart at the Australian National University in July 2009.

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Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Price: AUD $33.00
Volume: 44
Venue: The Australian National University, Canberra


This volume contains the proceedings of the AMSI–ANU Workshop on Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis, organised by Daniel Daners, Xuan Duong, Andrew Hassell, Alan McIntosh and Robert Taggart at the Australian National University in July 2009. The meeting was sponsored by the Mathematical Sciences Institute of the Australian National University and the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute whose support is gratefully acknowledged.

The workshop covered a variety of topics in spectral theory and harmonic analysis, and brought together experts, early career researchers, and doctoral students from Australia, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland, Spain and the USA. It is our hope that this volume reflects the lively research atmosphere of this conference. We are particularly honoured to open the proceedings with an expository article by Jan van Neerven, which was based on a series of lectures he presented at the workshop.

We wish to express our appreciation to the authors who contributed to this volume, to Daniel Daners and Xuan Duong who were fellow organisers of the workshop, and to the CMA and MSI support staff (Annette Hughes and Alison Irvine) who ensured that the event ran smoothly.

Each article in this volume was peer refereed.


1ɣ-Radonifying operators – a survey
Jan van Neerven
2Algebraic operators, divided differences, functional calculus, Hermite interpolation and spline distributions
Sergey Ajiev
3A Strichartz estimate for de Sitter space
Dean Baskin
4A maximal theorem for holomorphic semigroups on vector-valued spaces
Gordon Blower, Ian Doust, Robert Taggart
5Low energy behaviour of powers of the resolvent of long range perturbations of the Laplacian
Jean-Marc Bouclet
6Calderón inverse problem for the Schrödinger operator on Riemann surfaces
Colin Guillarmou, Leo Tzou
7A note on A∞ estimates via extrapolation of Carleson measures
Steve Hofmann, José Marìa Martell
8Stability in p of the H∞-calculus of first-order systems in Lp
Tuomas Hytönen, Alan McIntosh
9Feynman's operational calculus and the stochastic functional calculus in Hilbert space
Brian Jefferies
10Local quadratic estimates and holomorphic functional calculi
Andrew Morris
11Strichartz estimates and local wellposedness for the Schrödinger equation with the twisted sub-Laplacian
Zhenqiu Zhang, Shijun Zheng

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 2010

© Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by

Andrew Hassell, Alan McIntosh and Robert Taggart
Center for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

The AMSI-ANU Workshop on Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis

ISBN 0 7315 5208 3