Mathematical Programming and Numerical Analysis Workshop

Mathematicians from Australia and New Zealand attended a workshop on mathematical programming and numerical analysis at the Australian National University from December 6th to 8th 1983.

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Publication type

Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Volume: 6
Venue: Australian National University

Mathematicians from Australia and New Zealand attended a workshop on mathematical programming and numerical analysis at the Australian National University from December 6th to 8th 1983. This volume contains a complete list of the papers presented at the workshop and texts of the numerical analysis papers.

The workshop was sponsored by the Mathematical Sciences Research Centre at the Australian National University and the Centre for Mathematical Analysis. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers, in particular the invited speakers J. Blake, G. Chandler, B. Craven, B. Murtagh, D. Ryan and I. Sloan. The excellent typing and good humour of Marilyn Gray and Dorothy Nash are also gratefully acknowledged.


S.-Å. Gustafson and R.S. Womersley


1On the numerical performance of spectral methods
R.S. Anderssen
2Solution of dense systems of linear equations using a fixed size systolic array
A.W. Bojanczyk
3The solution of singular-value and eigenvalue problems on systolic arrays
R.P. Brent and F.T. Luk
4The motion of a wetting front for a Green-AMPT model of infiltration into a cracked soil
M.R. Davidson
5The role of conditioning in the numerical solution of boundary value problems
F.R. de Hoog
6On the determination of the electrical conductivity of the earth's interior from geomagnetic data
S.-Å. Gustafson
7Numerical methods for inverse eigenvalue problems in algebraic control theory
L.J. Kautsky, N.K. Nichols and P. Van Dooren
8Collocation methods for second kind Fredholm integral equations
S. Joe
9Numerical modelling of solidification
A.D. Miller
10Lattices for multiple integration
I.H. Sloan and P. Kachoyan
11Boundary integral methods applied to cavitation bubble dynamics
B. Taib, G. Doherty and J.R. Blake
12Mathematical methods for the seismic inversion problem
S.J. Wright
13Numerical analysis of the boundary integral method
G.A. Chandler

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 1984

© Centre for Mathematical Analysis,
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by: Anthony Miller

Mathematical Programming and Numerical Analysis Workshop
Workshop 6 – 8 December 1983

ISBN 0 86784 507 4