The Ninth Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics Darwin
The Ninth Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics (PRCM), hosted by the Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI), Australian National University (ANU), at the Darwin Convention Centre, is a broad mathematical event that covers a range of exciting research in contemporary mathematics. The conference features nine special sessions in a variety of pure and applied parts of the mathematical sciences, each with plenary speaker.
Image credit: Darwin convention centre, https://www.darwinconvention.com.au/
Plenary Speakers
About the conference
The Ninth Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics (PRCM) will be held from Mon, Jun 17 2024 to Fri, Jun 21 2024 at the Darwin Convention Centre, in Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia), hosted by the Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI), Australian National University (ANU). The PRCM is a broad mathematical event held every few years that covers a wide range of exciting research in contemporary mathematics. Its objectives are to offer a venue for the presentation of and discussion among a wide audience of the latest trends in mathematical research, and to strengthen ties between mathematicians working in the Pacific Rim region. The conference will provide mathematicians with opportunities to engage with international research leaders, established colleagues, and junior researchers.
Scientific Committee | |
Neil Trudinger (Australian National University) | Rod Gover (University of Auckland) |
Shahar Mendelson (Australian National University) | Alan Hammond (University of California, Berkeley) |
Anthony Licata (Australian National University) | Eleny Ionel (Stanford University) |
Rowena Ball (Australian National University) | Weifeng Qiu (City University of Hong Kong) |
Katherine Turner (Australian National University) | Seung-Yeal Ha (Seoul National University) |
Kazuhiro Ishige (University of Tokyo) | Chengbo Zhu (National University of Singapore) |
David Croydon (University of Kyoto) | Taiping Liu (Academia Sinica) |
Local Organising Committee | |
Anthony Licata (Australian National University), | Khalid Khan (Charles Darwin University) |
Katherine Turner (Australian National University) | Tony Martin (Australian National University) |
Cris Edmonds-Wathen (Charles Darwin University) |
Registrations are now open for the 2024 Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics with early bird discounted rates available. Limited accommodation and travel funding is available to support participants. Click the button below to find out more:
Special sessions
- Non-Linear PDEs
- Harmonic analysis
- Differential geometry
- Probability theory
- Mathematical data science
- Computational mathematics
- Representation theory
- Algebraic and symplectic geometry
- Mathematics Without Borders
Special session speakers - please submit your Title and Abstract using the e-form below:
Special session speaker - Title and Abstract Submission
Contributed talks
There is allocated time at the conference for participants to give a Contributed talk. Please use the e-form below to submit Title and Abstract, the organising committee will review and make a decision.
Contributed talks - Title and Abstract Submission
Poster session
If you would like to create a poster on your research to display and discuss with fellow Mathematicians at the Poster session please submit the title for your poster in the registration page or you can use the webform below.
Followed by the Annual Graduate School in Mathematical Aspects of Data Science
The Summer/Winter school is intended for graduate level students and centred on the mathematical foundations of data science. It will be held from Mon, Jun 24 2024 to Fri, Jun 28 2024 at the Darwin Convention Centre, in Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia).
The increasing involvement of mathematicians in data science research is of crucial importance for the future of mathematics, science and technology. We believe that the way to achieve more involvement is an early exposure to high-quality modern research.
Research Centre: Mathematical Data Science Centre (MDSC)
Childcare information
You can find more information about childcare options in Darwin here: childcare information.
The Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics is a major interdisciplinary mathematical meeting which convenes regularly at major academic institutions gathered around the Pacific. The conference series was conceived when Professor Roderick Wong, who spent twenty-five years at the University of Manitoba before returning to Hong Kong in the mid-90s to take up a faculty position at the City University of Hong Kong, developed the idea with Professor Robert Miura of the University of British Columbia for a mathematical conference supported by the City University and UBC. Professor Tai-Ping Liu of Academia Sinica and Stanford University became involved in planning during a visit to Professor Wong’s department, so that City University of Hong Kong, the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences (an institute with close ties to UBC) and Academia Sinica provided organisational support at the inaugural Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics which took place in January 1998 at the City University.

The decision was taken to hold the meeting every three years, and in 2001 its second meeting was hosted by Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan at the Institute of Mathematics, whose Director was at that time Professor Fon-Che Liu. In 2004, the meeting was held at Fudan University in Shanghai, organized principally by Professor Li Ta-Tsien. The Pacific RIm Conference returned to the City University of Hong Kong for its fourth iteration, in 2007. By the time of the fifth meeting, in 2010, when Tai-Ping Liu and Richard Schoen organized the conference at Stanford University, the group of mathematicians comprising its Scientific Committee represented over ten major universities on the west coast of the United States, and in China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Korea and Australia.
An impetus that has driven the PRCM from its inception is a recognition that the economic vibrancy of the Pacific Rim region has been accompanied by rising importance of the region in scientific research, a trend that has only magnified in the intervening years. The sixth meeting was held at the Sapporo Convention Center in Hokkaido, Japan, organized by Professor Yoshikazu Giga; and the seventh, in 2017, at Seoul National University in Korea was organized by Professor Seung-Yeal Ha; the was supported by the Department of Mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley and organised by Professors Alan Hammond and Fraydoun Rezakhanlou. This meeting was delayed by a year and, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was held online.
(Berkeley University 2020, The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics History, viewed 31 October 2023, https://wp.math.berkeley.edu/pacificrim2020/history/)

More information
Darwin Convention Centre
10 Stokes Hill Rd
Darwin City NT 0800