Joint Australian-Taiwanese Workshop on Analysis and Applications

This volume contains the proceedings of the joint Australian-Taiwanese "Workshop on Analysis and Applications" held at The University of Queensland from March 31 to April 04, 1997.

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Publication type

Conference paper



Price: AUD $33.00
Volume: 37
Venue: The University of Queensland (Brisbane

This volume contains the proceedings of the joint Australian-Taiwanese "Workshop on Analysis and Applications" held at The University of Queensland from March 31 to April 04, 1997. The Worskshop brought together researchers from Australia and Taiwan working in harmonic analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations, dynamical systems and control theory, geometric and physical applications, and computational mathematics and its applications. Many of the participants established new research collaborations through this opportunity to interact with colleagues from these related although different areas. We hope this workshop will be the first of many, strengthening the mathematics communities in each country and deepening the bonds of friendship between them.

The Workshop was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan and the Australian Department of Industry, Science and Technology's Bilateral Science and Technology Collaboration program.

Contributions for the proceedings were sought from all Workshop delegates and all papers received were carefully refereed. One can see from the contributions the enormous range and depth of mathematical research currently being carried out in Australia and Taiwan.

The Workshop was organised by Fon-Che Liu of Academia Sinica, Neil Trudinger of the Australian National University, Hung-Ju Kuo of Chung-Hsing University and Bevan Thompson of The University of Queensland. A "Conference on Analysis and Applications" was held at The University of Queensland during the same period. Both the Workshop and the Conference were a great success with first rate Scientific Programs, great weather, and many friendly, outstanding, enthusiastic colleagues contributing to a stimulating research environment. The organisers would like to thank all participants for their role in the success of the venture. Particular thanks are due to the Treasurer, Jan Chabrowski, the Web Master, Elliot Tonkes, and the Secretary, Tim Cranny, for their extensive help in the smooth running of the Workshop and the Conference.



1Cellular Neural Networks: Pattern Formation and Spatial Chaos
Jonq Juang and Song-Sun Lin
2A Configuration Space for Solutions of Maxwell's Equations
Robert Bartnik
3Structural Inequalities Method for Uniqueness Theorems for the Minimal Surface Equation
Jenn-Fang Hwang
4Asymptotic Solutions of Scientific Interest
Roger J. Hosking
5Stability and Shadowing in Convex Discrete-Time Systems
Phil Diamond and Alexei Pokrovski
6Chaotic Vibration of the Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator due to a Self-Excitation Boundary Condition, Part I: controlled Hysteresis
Goong Chen, Sze-Bi Hsu and Jianxin Zhuo
7A Parallel Matrix-Free Implementation of a Runge-Kutta Code
Kevin Burrage, Craig Eldershaw and Roger Sidje
8Balancing of Diffusion Partial Differential Equations
Fang-Bo Yeh
9Spectral Flow in Breuer-Fredholm Modules
A.L.Carey and John Phillips
10On the Blow-Up Behaviour of Solutions of Scalar Curvature Equations and its Application
Chang-Shou Lin
11Mean Curvature Evolution of Spacelike Hypersurfaces
Klaus Ecker
12Interpolating Wavelets and Difference Wavelets
I-Liang Chern
13Some Slightly Subcritical or Slightly Supercritical Problems
14Some Lusin Properties of Functions
Fon-Che Liu
15The Lp Boundedness of Riesz Transforms Associated with Divergence Form Operators
Xuan Thinh Dong and Alan McIntosh

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 1999

© Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by

Tim Cranny

Bevan Thompson


Joint Australian-Taiwanese Workshop on Analysis and Applications

ISBN 0 7315 5201 6