Miniconference on Probability and Analysis

This volume contains the complete proceedings of the miniconference, "Probability and Analysis", held at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, in July 1991.

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Conference paper



Price: AUD $33.00
Volume: 29
Venue: University of New South Wales


This volume contains the complete proceedings of the miniconference, "Probability and Analysis", held at the University of New South Wales, in Sydney, in July 1991.  The main topics of the conference were the use of probability in analysis, and geometric and operator theoretic aspects of Banach space theory.  The inspiration for the conference was the visits to Australia of Aleksander Pelczynski and Don Burkholder.  After some intiial indecision as to whether organising a conference was really a good idea, Werner, Ricker and Ian Doust put the wheels in motions.  Professors Pelczynski and Burkholder were joined by local invited speakers Gavin Brown, Garth Gaudry and Alan McIntosh.  Another twenty speakers gave contributed papers.  In total over fifty mathematicians from a wide variety of institutions took part in what was to be a very enjoyable meeting, spanning a wide range of analysis.

We would like to record our thanks to all the bodies who have directly and indirectly supported this meeting:

  • The Centre for Mathematics and it's Applications ANU
  • The Australian Mathematical Society.
  • The Australian Research Council
  • The University of New South Wales.

We should especially like to thank Mrs Marilyn Gray from the CMA for all of her usual efficient help behind the scenes, the secretarial staff at the University of NSW for cheerfully putting up with another conference, and all our colelagues who attended and who made the job or the organisers very easy.


1Some New Applications of Riesz Products
Gavin Brown
2Some Properties of Symmetric Operator Spaces
Peter G. Dodds and Theresa K.-Y. Dodds
3Unitary Approximation and Submajorization
Peter G. Dodds and Theresa K.-Y. Dodds
4On Kakutani's Criterion and Shiryaev's Theorem
A.H. Dooley
5Subelliptic Operators on Lie Groups
A.F.M. ter Elst and Derek W. Robinson
6The Frechet Differentiability on Convex Functions on C(S)
Roger Eyland and Bernice Sharp
7Clifford Martingales, The T(b) Theorem and Cauchy Integrals
Garth I. Gaudry
8Differentiability Properties of Banach Spaces where the Boundary of the Closed Unit Ball has Denting Point Properties
John R. Giles and Warren B. Moors
9On Weak Solutions of Stochastic Evolution Equations with Unbounded Coefficients
Beniamin Goldys
10On Some Trace Inequalities
Hideki Kosaki
11Representations of Compact Groups, Cuntz-Krieger Algebras, and Groupoid C*-Algebras
M.H. Mann, lain Raeburn and C.E. Sutherland
12M.H. Mann, lain Raeburn and C.E. Sutherland
C. Meaney and E. Prestini
13A Continuity Property Related to an Index of Non-WCG and Its Implications
Warren B. Moors
14The Poincare-Bertrand Formula for the Hilbert Transform
Susumu Okada
15Non Isomorphism of the Disc Algebra with Spaces of Differentiable Functions
A. Pelczynski
16Inequalities for the Joint Spectrum of Simultaneously Triangularizable Matrices
A.J. Pryde
17The Heat Kernel for H-Type Groups
Jennifer Randall
18Weak Compactness in Spaces of Linear Operators
Werner J. Ricker
19Fragmentability of Rotund Banach Spaces
Scott Sciffer
20On the Uniform Classification of Lp(/l) Spaces
Anthony Weston
21Hypergroups and Harmonic Analysis
N.J. Wildberger