National research symposium on geometric analysis & applications

This volume contains the proceeding of the National Research Symposium on Geometric Analysis and Applications held at the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University, Canberra, from June 26 - 30, 2000.

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Publication type

Conference paper



Status: Out of stock
Price: AUD $33.00
Volume: 39
Venue: The Australian National University, Canberra


This volume contains the proceeding of the National Research Symposium on Geometric Analysis and Applications held at the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Australian National University, Canberra, from June 26 - 30, 2000. The Symposium celebrated the many significant contributions of Professor Derek W. Robinson to mathematics, on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The first day, Monday June 26, in particular was devoted to Derek; speakers with a particularly close connection to Derek, including A. Carey, M. Cowling, D. Evans, P. Jorgensen and T. ter Elst recalled and elaborated on important aspects of Derek's work, and the day ended with a banquet in Derek's honour.

The Symposium brought together researchers working in harmonic analysis, linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, quantum mechanics and mathematical physics, and included researchers from North America, Europe and Asia as well as Australasia.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the contributors to this volume. We would like especially thank to Derek W. Robinson for his participation. A short synopsis of Derek's career, and a full list of his publications to date are included in this volume.

Contributions for the proceedings were sought from all participants and all papers received were carefully refereed by peer referees.


1Electrons with self-field as solutions to nonlinear PDE
Hilary Booth
2Quantum mechanics as an intuitionistic form of classical mechanics
John V Corbett, Murray Adelman
3Vilenkin bases in non-commutative Lp-spaces
PG Dodds, FA Sukochev
4Orbital convolutions, wrapping maps and e-functions
AH Dooley
5Norms of 0-1 matrices in Cp
Ian Doust
6Spectral multipliers for self-adjoint operators
Xuan Thinh Duong, El Maati Ouhabaz, Adam Sikora
7Subelliptic operators and Lie groups
AFM Ter Elst, Derek W Robinson
8From XY to Ade
David E Evans
9The heat-flow method in contact geometry
Robert Gulliver
10Manipulating the electron current through a splitting
M Harmer, A Mikhailova, BS Pavlov
11What's new for the Beltrami equation?
Tadeusz Iwaniec, Gaven Martin
12Some second-order partial differential equations associated with Lie groups
Palle ET Jorgensen
13Principal series and wavelets
Christopher Meaney
14Singularities and the wave equation on conic spaces
Richard B Melrose, Jared Wunsch
15Some remarks on oscillatory integrals
Gerd Mockenhaupt
16Yet another construction of the central extension of the loop group
Michael K Murray, Daniel Stevenson
17Spectrum of the Ruelle operator and zeta functions for broken geodesic flows
Luchezar Stoyanov
18On the Banach-isomorphic classification of Lp spaces of hyperfinite semifinite von Neumann algebras
FA Sukochev
19Introducing quaternionic gerbes
Finlay Thompson

Copyright statement

First published in Australia 2001

© Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
Mathematical Sciences Institute
The Australian National University

This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries should be made to the publisher.

Edited by

Alexander Isaev, Andrew Hassell, Alan McIntosh and Adam Sikora 
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, The Australian National University

National Research Symposium on Geometric Analysis and Applications

ISBN 0 7315 5203 2